Our Mission and Values: Compliance and Empowerment

Welcome to Easy Freelance, where we specialize in setting up freelancers for legal and compliant work in Dubai and throughout the UAE. Understanding the rules and regulations in the freelancing landscape is our forte, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Our Mission

"Our mission at Easy Freelance is to empower individuals with the tools, guidance, and expertise needed to thrive as freelancers in Dubai and across the UAE, while ensuring full compliance with local laws and regulations. We strive to simplify the complexities of the legal landscape, making freelancing accessible, ethical, and secure for everyone."

Mark Stephens
Head of Freelance

Our Values

At Easy Freelance, our values are the backbone of our mission to enable compliant freelancing in Dubai and across the UAE.

We stand firm on Integrity, ensuring transparent and ethical practices that align with local laws. Collaboration is key as we work closely with legal experts and authorities to provide up-to-date, reliable guidance. Innovation drives us to continuously adapt and enhance our services, making legal compliance more accessible and easier to navigate.

We believe in Inclusivity, ensuring that freelancers from all backgrounds have an equal opportunity to succeed in a compliant and secure environment.

The Easy Freelance Promise

We understand the importance of being compliant in a regulated environment like the UAE.

That’s why we offer all the necessary tools, guidance, and expertise to ensure you can freelance legally and securely.

Join Easy Freelance

Ready to start your freelancing journey in Dubai or elsewhere in the UAE?

Let us guide you through the legal maze. Join us today!