How Do I Get a Mainland Freelance Visa in the UAE?

The Essential Guide: Why Working with a Service Provider Like Easy Freelance is a Must


You're sold on the idea of freelancing in the UAE mainland—now what? You're faced with the often intimidating process of securing a Mainland Freelance Visa. The good news is, you don't have to go it alone. In fact, working with a specialized service provider like Easy Freelance isn't just an option; it's the smarter, faster, more reliable path.

The Catch: Navigating the Maze Alone Isn't an Option

While you may think that going solo on this journey might save some costs, the reality is far from it. The legal complexities and ever-changing rules make it almost a necessity to work with a service provider. Furthermore, the mainland authorities require a sponsoring entity to apply for a freelance permit, meaning you can't navigate this course on your own even if you wanted to.

Steps to Get a Mainland Freelance Visa with Easy Freelance

🗂️ 1️⃣
Initial Consultation and Strategy

An experienced advisor from Easy Freelance will work with you to understand your specific needs. This lays the groundwork for the streamlined service you'll receive throughout the process.

📝 2️⃣ Documentation and Application

Forget the labyrinthine paperwork and confusing legal jargon. Easy Freelance takes care of all your documentation needs, streamlining your application to ensure it meets all mainland requirements.

✅ 3️⃣
Ensured Legal Compliance

In the world of mainland visas, compliance isn’t optional—it’s mandatory. Easy Freelance makes sure that every detail is perfectly aligned with UAE regulations, eliminating risks and expediting the approval process.

🎫 4️⃣
Visa Issuance and Finalization

Once your approval comes through, Easy Freelance takes over the nitty-gritty details of visa issuance. From coordinating with mainland authorities to ensuring you receive all necessary permits and credentials, we've got you covered.

🎯 5️⃣
Ongoing Support

The relationship doesn’t end after visa issuance. Easy Freelance offers continuous post-approval services, from renewals and legal updates to assistance with scaling your freelance ventures.

🌈 6️⃣
Bask in Freelance Freedom

Now that all the paperwork and legwork are behind you, it's time to truly embrace your freelance freedom. Work with any company, tackle any project, and explore unlimited opportunities across the UAE mainland. With Easy Freelance, you're not just freelancing; you're thriving in a world of endless potential.

Steps to Get a Mainland Freelance Visa with Easy Freelance

🌟 Expertise You Can't Do Without

The landscape of UAE mainland freelancing is intricate. The team at Easy Freelance brings the required expertise to navigate it effectively.

📦 Fully Packaged, No Surprises

Expect zero hidden costs as you're taken through an all-inclusive process that covers all your needs from medical insurance to work permits.

🌐 Nationwide Reach, Unlimited Possibilities

In the world of mainland visas, compliance isn’t optional—it’s mandatory. Easy Freelance makes sure that every detail is perfectly aligned with UAE regulations, eliminating risks and expediting the approval process.


Acquiring a Mainland Freelance Visa in the UAE isn’t merely about filling out a form and waiting for approval.

It's a complex, multi-layered process that mandates the involvement of an expert service provider.

With Easy Freelance, you're not just cutting through the red tape—you're forging a path toward a thriving freelance career in the UAE mainland.

Don't leave your freelance dreams to chance.

Team up with Easy Freelance and turn those dreams into your everyday reality.